Thursday, December 2, 2010

Days in "SAD"Vidya College

After all the gala time I had in School, unlike others was never excited entering college. May be I still loved my Almamater so much. To add to my sick feeling I took a seat in SADvidya which dint allow me wear Jeans... huh. This brought a shock and beleive me I hated wearing salwar-kemeez at that time so naturally never had any with me. Followed by this DRESS CODE shock there came few more like the class hours from 12pm to 5pm, break only for 15mins, sunday was a working day with all 3 labs physics, biology and finally chemistry - from morning 7am to 5pm. Enough was enough....
I just hated these years of ma life. I was hardly happy about things happening around me. Both in college n at home. Second year grew with lot of running for tutions than actual studying. The end result was naturally disappointing, bad CET rank which could never fetch me a medico seat in any corner of the state so more than me, my folks were disappointed :(


Few lovely things still did happen, I developed interest in pencil sketches ( so now you got the other reason for my marks going down) and I started loving PHYSICS. Here I must thank my tutor Kanthraj Sir for the whole credit goes to him.

To Sir with Love,

Yours was the only class I felt unhappy when got cancelled, that has never happened in ma life except for your case. Many things that I learnt from you are still with me, making me a better person everyday. When it is time to remember all our teachers, you top the list. I feel your not just teaching physics but "life" to your students. You'll go long way.

Best Regards,

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